Friday, February 26, 2016

How are things going?

In Mark 8:23 Jesus touches a man once and he was partially healed. Before the final restoration Jesus talked to the man and asked him how he was doing, He said "do you see anything?"

After the first touch and before a restoration - a pause-
How are things going?  Do you see anything? A change? Improvement? Are things better? Different?

Yes, Lord, things are good, improved a lot, good but not restored completely.

I've looked in the scriptures for what Jesus told people to do after he healed them.
Several times he told them to go- go home, go here and go there and just go.I read he said to eat something and I read many times he said to not tell anyone.

In light of what Jesus told people to do after he touched them we are following his commands. We go- to the park, shopping, church and outside to play. She/ we eat- almonds, pizza, steak, chocolate shakes, veggies and cereal.  And a lot of times we don't talk about it- the heartbreak, the seizures, the severe delays or the dramatic breathtaking improvements either.

Lord- we're listening, what next?

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