Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.
Romans 5:3,4
I finally posted an
update after over a year. I pretty much
just gave a clinical update on how Sunday still struggles with epilepsy. When I
first began a blog I was only trying out some sort of experiment for some way
to stop seizures of the startle type. I believe I did find a prevention method
and I am certain God showed me the way. I do have others to post about too.

This hope is where I find my current
state. I hope for things to come yet in
the meantime, I have learned to persevere as God shapes my character and now hers too.
I have a picture here
of Sunday as I noticed all the injury and protective side I posted last
time. Those images are sad and seemingly
unhopeful yet they illustrate a life of endurance and suffering. On a lighter note, Sunday is happy and energetic and loves to
run. In fact, she has been jumping
higher than ever on the trampoline. She
has a busy, fun filled life yet she struggles daily with a bend for God's
provision and healing.
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